Deruta Italian Pasta Plate - Ricco Vario 2
Place Setting Pasta Plate/Bowl -Ricco Vario style - 4cm high x 24cm diameter (1.5 in high x 9.5 in diameter)
Deruta Italian Pasta Plate - Ricco Vario 5
Place Setting Pasta Plate/Bowl -Ricco Vario style - 4cm high x 24cm diameter (1.5 in high x 9.5 in diameter)
Deruta Italian Pasta Plate - Brocatto
Place Setting Pasta Plate/Bowl - Broccatto style - 4cm high x 24cm diameter (1.5 in high x 9.5 in diameter)
Deruta Italian Pasta Plate
Place Setting Pasta Plate/Bowl - Vinci Ricco style - 4cm high x 24cm diameter (1.5 in high x 9.5 in diameter)
Deruta Italian Pasta Plate - Raffaellesco with Center
Place Setting Pasta Plate/Bowl - Raffaellesco style with Artistic Center - 4cm high x 24cm diameter (1.5 in high x 9.5 in diameter)
Deruta Italian Pasta Plate - Raffaellesco Scalloped with Center
Place Setting Pasta Plate/Bowl - Scalloped Raffaellesco style with Artistic Center - 4cm high x 24cm diameter (1.5 in high x 9.5 in diameter)
Deruta Italian Pasta Plate - Raffaellesco
Place Setting Pasta Plate/Bowl - Raffaellesco style - 4cm high x 24cm diameter (1.5 in high x 9.5 in diameter)
Deruta Italian Pasta Plate
Place Setting Pasta Plate/Bowl - Rinascimento style - 4cm high x 24cm diameter (1.5 in high x 9.5 in diameter)
Deruta Italian Pasta Plate - Floreale
Place Setting Pasta Plate/Bowl - Floreale style - 4cm high x 24cm diameter (1.5 in high x 9.5 in diameter)
Deruta Italian Pasta Plate - Acanthus Black/Yellow
Place Setting Pasta Plate/Bowl - Acanthus style - 4cm high x 24cm diameter (1.5 in high x 9.5 in diameter)