Sorella Luna Inc. :: Ceramic Plates :: Deruta Italian Ceramic Dinner Place Setting - Acanthus Red/Yellow

Deruta Italian Ceramic Dinner Place Setting - Acanthus Red/Yellow

Deruta Italian Ceramic Dinner Place Setting - Acanthus Red/Yellow
Elegant Dinnerware Place Setting with Charger Plate (4-piece) - Acanthus style - (SKU reference - 3-piece place setting: PSEACN2907RY, Charger Plate: PLCACN0432RY, Dinner Plate: PLDACN0329RY, Soup/Pasta Bowl: PLPACN0424RY, Salad Plate: PLSACN0322RY)
Quantity in stock 1000 item(s) available
Weight 25.00 lbs
Ordering PRE-ORDER
Availability This product is carefully made by hand and requires 6-8 weeks for delivery
Market price: $576.00
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Our price: $494.00
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Quantity (1000 available)
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